Read the following sentences:I. I am eternally grateful to ...
Read the following sentences:
I. I am eternally grateful to you! By the way, I want to take you out for dinner! My treat!
II. Unfortunately, she gave up her singing career. Nevertheless, she continued acting as the main actress of the show.
III. We got a divorce because we did not love each other anymore. Besides, we realized that we did not have a lot in common.
IV. They danced all night long. Actually, they did not even sleep.
Now, choose the adverbial expressions that best replace
the words underlined in the previous sentences.
Veja os comentários dos nossos alunos
Incidentally: used when a person has something more to say, or is about to add a remark unconnected to the current subject; by the way.
However: nevertheless, nonetheless, but, still, yet, though, although, even so, for all that, despite that, in spite of that.
Furthermore: moreover, further, what's more, also, additionally, in addition, besides, as well, too, to boot, on top of that, over and above that, into the bargain, by the same token.
Actually: really, in (actual) fact, in point of fact, as a matter of fact, in reality, in actuality, in truth, if truth be told, to tell the truth.
by teh way - aside, while on this subject, also, incidentlty
Essa questão cobra o conhecimento de alguns advérbios e expressões adverbiais e escolher aqueles que melhor os substituem. Para responder uma questão como essa é preciso ter vocabulário, o que conseguimos em contato com a língua estrangeira, de diversas formas.
Segue tradução do enunciado:
Leia as seguintes sentenças:
I. Sou eternamente grato a você! A propósito (by the way), quero te levar para jantar! Meu mimo!
II. Infelizmente, ela desistiu de sua carreira de cantora. No entanto (nevertheless), ela continuou atuando como a atriz principal do show.
III. Nós nos divorciamos porque não nos amávamos mais. Além disso (besides), percebemos que não tínhamos muito em comum.
4. Dançaram a noite toda. Na verdade (actually), eles nem dormiram.
Agora, escolha as expressões adverbiais que melhor substituem as palavras sublinhadas nas frases anteriores.
A) Incorreta - Incidentally – moreover – furthermore – besides.
Aliás – além disso – além disso – além disso.
B) Incorreta - Anyway – however – furthermore – in fact.
De qualquer forma – porém – além disso – na verdade.
C) Incorreta - However – besides – furthermore – in fact.
No entanto – além disso – além disso – na verdade.
D) Incorreta - Furthermore – besides – however – in fact.
Além disso – além – porém – na verdade.
E) Correta - Incidentally – however – furthermore – in fact.
Aliás – no entanto – além disso – na verdade.
Gabarito: E
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