Columbia University Accidentally Sends Acceptance Letters to...

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Columbia University Accidentally Sends Acceptance Letters to 277 Students

There's nothing worse than waiting months to hear back from your dream school only to get rejected. But imagine receiving an acceptance email and telling all your friends, family and followers the amazing news, only to find out that you didn't actually get accepted.

That's what happened to over 200 grad students who applied to the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. According to the New York Times, 277 students mistakingly received acceptance emails and it wasn't until over an hour later that the school sent out a second email informing them of the mixup, and that they, in fact, had not been accepted.

In the follow-up email from the vice dean for education, the university apologized for the mistake, blaming "human error".

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2017 (adaptado).

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