63% of the archive-holding judicial institutions in Brasília...
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Ano: 2008
CESPE - 2008 - STJ - Analista Judiciário - Tecnologia da Informação |
Texto associado
In Brazil, federal and state court systems have used
technology in the last years, but the experience and coverage is
mixed. In the early 1990s, one of the major initiatives of the federal
judiciary has been the computerization of electoral courts. This
experience and other reforms have motivated some states judiciaries
to advance court automation in different jurisdictions, in aspects
such as public information, case management, and document
archiving. Studies indicate that the needs for information technology
and communications use are rising as many state court systems lag1
behind in investments.
The modernization of the documentary archives of the
federal judiciary is a fairly recent initiative that has been motivated
by a growing concern for the preservation of the country's historical
archive, and by the need to manage the exponential growth of current
archives. Paper archives constitute an enormous investment in terms
of time and space, documents deteriorate or are lost, and information
retrieval can be laborious. The modernization of archives involves
not only the rationalization of existing resources and collections, but
also the introduction of new technologies for the electronic storage
and retrieval of current documents.
In May 1998, the Supreme Federal Tribunal initiated a
project of reform, and in early 2000 carried out a survey to identify
the problem areas relating to infrastructure, access, archiving policy,
training and management strategies. The survey results constitute an
important first step in the development of a long-term technical and
administrative policy for the management of judicial archives.
Follow on work has so far collected information from all the archiveholding
judicial institutions in the area of the capital, Brasília.
There are on average 4 archivists per institution, which
means one archivist for every 751 meters of documents. The
technical equipment is for the most part antiquated, with only 37%
of archives equipped with computer terminals. Most of the judicial
archives do not, therefore, have either the technical or personnel
resources necessary for the efficient management, storage and
retrieval of documents.
- a delay between two things happening.
Based on the passage above, it is correct to say that
technology in the last years, but the experience and coverage is
mixed. In the early 1990s, one of the major initiatives of the federal
judiciary has been the computerization of electoral courts. This
experience and other reforms have motivated some states judiciaries
to advance court automation in different jurisdictions, in aspects
such as public information, case management, and document
archiving. Studies indicate that the needs for information technology
and communications use are rising as many state court systems lag1
behind in investments.
The modernization of the documentary archives of the
federal judiciary is a fairly recent initiative that has been motivated
by a growing concern for the preservation of the country's historical
archive, and by the need to manage the exponential growth of current
archives. Paper archives constitute an enormous investment in terms
of time and space, documents deteriorate or are lost, and information
retrieval can be laborious. The modernization of archives involves
not only the rationalization of existing resources and collections, but
also the introduction of new technologies for the electronic storage
and retrieval of current documents.
In May 1998, the Supreme Federal Tribunal initiated a
project of reform, and in early 2000 carried out a survey to identify
the problem areas relating to infrastructure, access, archiving policy,
training and management strategies. The survey results constitute an
important first step in the development of a long-term technical and
administrative policy for the management of judicial archives.
Follow on work has so far collected information from all the archiveholding
judicial institutions in the area of the capital, Brasília.
There are on average 4 archivists per institution, which
means one archivist for every 751 meters of documents. The
technical equipment is for the most part antiquated, with only 37%
of archives equipped with computer terminals. Most of the judicial
archives do not, therefore, have either the technical or personnel
resources necessary for the efficient management, storage and
retrieval of documents.
- a delay between two things happening.
Based on the passage above, it is correct to say that
63% of the archive-holding judicial institutions in Brasília lack computer terminals and qualified technical personnel.
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anulado porque não há dados suficientes para subsidiar a afirmativa no item, especialmente considerando-se o grau de precisão ali afirmado.
Ou seja, poderia sim ter uma imensa coincidência e ter exatamente 63% de carência de terminais de computadores e pessoal qualificado...vai saber...o texto não diz nada sobre esse assunto.
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