The increasing demand for English around the world and rel...

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Q744931 Inglês

                                 LARGEST AIRCRAFT IN THE WORLD


      We have lift-off. The world's largest aircraft has taken to the skies for the first time.The Airlander 10 spent nearly two hours in the air, having taken off from Cardington Airfield in Bedfordshire. During its flight, it reached 3,000 feet (914 meters) and performed a series of gentle turns all over a safe area.

      The aircraft is massive – as long as a football pitch and as tall as six double decker buses and capable of flying for up to five days. It was first developed for the US government as a long-rangesurveillance aircraft but was scrapped following cutbacks.

      Each one cost 25 million pounds and can carry heavier loads than jumbo jets while also producing less noise and emitting less pollution. The makers, Hybrid Air Vehicles, believe it‟s the future of aircraft, and that one day we'll be using them to get places.

      But we're a while away yet. The Airlander will need to clock up 200 hours‟ flying time before beingdeemed airworthy by aviation bodies. If it passes though, we can hope we'll all get some extra leg room.

The increasing demand for English around the world and related research and developments in the teaching of English as a foreign language and in educational technology make this a particularly stimulating period in the BBC's thirty-five year long history of English teaching. The spoken word, recorded sound, film and video are part of the professional air we breathe and we are additionally fortunate in BBC English by Radio and Television in that, organizationally, we also have the printed word as an integrated element of our immediate, professional environment. Films and television programs have been used for language learning and teaching since the 1930s, and in ELT for some twenty years. Considering the paragraph above, choose the correct alternative: