Concerning Bilingualism, analyze the following statements (G...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2958223 Inglês

Concerning Bilingualism, analyze the following statements (Gleason, J. B. e Ratner, N. B. The Development of Language. Pearson: Boston, 2009):

I. When a speaker gains a second language while retaining a first language, the process is called additive language. Often, the acquisition of the second language is seen as an asset, as enhancing the prestige and social and economic prowess of the speaker.

II. Subtractive bilingualism refers to the loss of fluency in one’s native language that occurs when acquiring a second language.

III. Being younger is an advantage in terms of the rate of acquisition, as younger learners acquire a second language more rapidly than older learners in untutored settings.

IV. The acquisition of a second language could occur in submersion settings in which the person is surrounded by native speakers of that second language, or in immersion settings, in which the person and other people received instruction in that second language only.

V. Children growing up learning two or more languages simultaneously can do so without difficulty and in much the same way as do monolingual children.

Check the alternative that presents the number of the CORRECT statements:
