Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate w...

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Q3191799 Não definido
Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank from the options provided.
"In the aftermath of the recent global economic crisis, many nations are reassessing their approach to __________ (1) and __________  (2). The United Nations has called for increased __________  (3) among member statesto address pressing issuessuch as climate change and regional conflicts. However, rising __________  (4) in some parts of the world, especially in Europe, threatens to undermine these efforts. Despite these challenges, diplomatic efforts continue. A recent __________  (5) between two longstanding rival nations has opened up new possibilities for peace in the region. Observers hope this will lead to greater stability and reduce the risk of __________  (6) in the future."
Choose the correct option to fill in all the blanks: