Each of the options below presents an excerpt taken from the...
Veja os comentários dos nossos alunos
Erro da A: extol: to praise (someone or sth) highly, to glorify (para substituir "to denounce", o correto seria usar "to criticize", "to censure")
Erro da B: pick over: to examine in order to select the best or remove the unwanted (para substituir "to select", o correto seria usar somente "to pick")
The mistake in "c" is that ingratiating means "pleasing", "agreeable".
The problem in "d" is that "verbosely" is the opposite of "laconically"
Punctilious / Martinet = apt at receiving orders
To extol = to praise
disclosure - iscover, divulge, expose, unbosom, unveil.
in all weathers. with regularity rain or shine, regardless of weather conditions.
denounce - to pronounce publicly to be blamesworthy or evil. to inform against
extol - to praise, glorify, laud.
A regime is used for a government system. A regimen is a plan or framework that one adheres to. A systematic course like a treatment or training.
martinet - a strict disciplinarian, especially in the armed forces
punctilious - showing great attentiont o detail or corect behaviour. (dictionary.com).
fractious - unruly, disagreeable, quarrelsome in a childish way.
ingratiating - someone inclined to brownose, kowtowing, eager to please or agree.
curious snippet of information ~= odd piece of information.
laconical - marked by few words. Someone who uses speech sparsely.
verbose - garrulous, long-winded, prlix, wordy
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