According to the Discourse Genre theory, the discursive gen...

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Q1394974 Inglês


August 24, 2016 / By Digestive Health Team

Are You Pooping All Wrong?

5 tips to keep your bowels healthy

    When it comes to our bowels — and their movements — we may not give them much thought. Of course, when things are not going well, we notice.

    However, bowel movements don’t just tell us about the health of our digestive system. This may sound strange, but signs of everything from diseases to stress may show up in your bathroom habits. The key is knowing what to look for — and what the signs may mean.

    Here are five tips to encourage healthy bowels:

    1. Don’t ignore rectal bleeding

    The first thing most people worry about when they have minor rectal bleeding is that they have a cancer. Of course, colon cancer is also a concern. But it’s the cause of rectal bleeding only 1 to 2 percent of the time.

     Two problems are usually responsible for blood on the paper, on the stool or in the toilet: hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The good news is that both problems are usually easy to fix.

    2. Be careful not to be overzealous when you wipe

    A lot of people assume they have hemorrhoids. May their bottoms itch and they feel extra skin down there as they wipe. Must be hemorrhoids, right?

    So they treat themselves with medicated wipes or cream. And yet the “hemorrhoids” don’t go away — they itch even more.

    Often, the problem is, ironically, being too clean. What happens is a circular process. Filled with good intentions, you try to keep yourself scrupulously clean by using flushable wipes. But the unexpected result is that this leads to itching and the feeling that you have hemorrhoids.

    3. Don’t treat the bathroom like a library

    Think of your time in the bathroom as a necessity, not an extended escape. If your toilet has stacks of magazines or books on the water tank, consider moving them to another room.

    Why? The more time you spend on the toilet, the more likely you will strain for bowel movements. Also, the seated position puts extra stress on your anal blood vessels. Both of these factors boost your risk of hemorrhoids.

    4. Get enough fiber in your diet

    The goal is to eat 25 to 35 grams of fiber each day. The lack of fiber in the American diet is perhaps the major problem that leads to issues with constipation.

    One of the challenges is that not all natural sources are equal in the amounts of fiber they contain, so you don’t always get a consistent amount of fiber intake every day, depending on what you eat. One day a bowl of oatmeal may do it. Another day a serving of broccoli may not.

    Of course, each person’s needs are different, too, so you have to find what works best for your body.

    5. Avoid dehydration if you have diarrhea

    The biggest danger with a short bout of diarrhea is dehydration, or the loss of water and nutrients from the body’s tissues. You could become dehydrated if you have diarrhea more than three times a day and are not drinking enough fluids. Dehydration can cause serious complications if it is not treated. The best way to guard against dehydration is to drink liquids that contain both salt and sugar.


According to the Discourse Genre theory, the discursive genres can be grouped into different domains which represent certain typological aspects. TEXT presented above can be considered as part of which domain and typological aspect, respectively?

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Olá, estudante! Vamos analisar a questão e entender por que a alternativa correta é B - Documenting Human Actions / Reporting.

O tema da questão envolve a teoria dos gêneros discursivos e como diferentes tipos de texto se enquadram em categorias específicas. Para resolver esta questão, é necessário compreender as características dos diversos gêneros e domínios discursivos.

A alternativa correta é B - Documenting Human Actions / Reporting porque o texto apresentado tem como objetivo principal informar o leitor sobre práticas e cuidados relacionados à saúde intestinal. Ele fornece relatos e conselhos sobre como manter a saúde dos intestinos, descrevendo ações específicas e suas consequências.

Vamos agora justificar as alternativas incorretas:

A - Fictional literature / Narrating: Esta alternativa está incorreta porque o texto não é uma narrativa fictícia. Ele não conta uma história imaginária, mas sim apresenta informações factuais e conselhos práticos sobre saúde.

C - Discussion of social issues / Arguing: Esta alternativa também está incorreta. O texto não está discutindo questões sociais ou apresentando argumentos sobre um debate social. Ele está fornecendo informações de saúde, não argumentando sobre um problema social.

D - Conveying and building knowledge / Exposing: Embora o texto esteja transmitindo conhecimento, ele não se enquadra exatamente na categoria de exposição de conteúdo acadêmico ou científico. A principal função do texto é relatar e documentar práticas de saúde, não apenas construir conhecimento de maneira expositiva.

E - Instructions and prescriptions / Describing: Esta alternativa está incorreta, pois o texto não se limita a dar instruções ou prescrições médicas de forma descritiva. Ele vai além, documentando ações e oferecendo conselhos baseados em observações e práticas comuns.

Portanto, a melhor descrição para este gênero textual é a alternativa B - Documenting Human Actions / Reporting, pois o texto se concentra em relatar ações humanas e oferecer relatórios sobre práticas de saúde.

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The text delves into some common habits concerning human stool and how its looks may be a huge tell to the individual's overall health

Essa questão é passível de recurso, pois as tipologias Exposing e Describing também podem ser tipologias presentes no texto, sem falar que é um texto que pode entrar nos domínios das alternativas D e E.

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