False cognates are very confusing words for the ones who hav...
(Text 1) A Mc Donald’s super-fan has kept a burger and fries in a glass cabinet for 10 years - and it still looks fine to eat.
The so-called "indestructible" McDonald's meal has no sign of mould or decay, despite having been first served up a decade ago.
Back in 2009, McDonald's closed down all three of its restaurants ____ Iceland.
And one man decided to buy the icy nation's final hamburger and fries - so the meal could live on after the chain's closure.
"I had heard that McDonald's never decompose so I just wanted to see if it was true or not," Hjortur Smarason said.
It's now been exactly 10 years since Smarason made his purchase, and the meal barely looks older.
In fact, there's a livestream of the burger and fries available to watch online _____ free.
The not-so-happy meal is housed in a glass cabinet in Snotra House, a hostel in southern Iceland.
You can check out the livestream here <https://snotrahouse.com/last-mcdonalds/>..
"The old guy is still there, feeling quite well," said hostel owner Siggi Sigurdur, speaking to BBC News <https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-50262547>. .
"It's a fun thing, of course, ______ it makes you think about what you are eating.
"There is no mould, it's only the paper wrapping that looks old.
" Why do McDonald's meals last so long? Here's what you need to know...
· Like many fast food outlets, McDonald's adds chemicals to its ingredients to make them last longer
· This saves McDonald's money and means you can get your meals for cheaper than you would otherwise
· These chemicals are called preservatives, which McDonald's say it adds "only when absolutely necessary, to ensure the food is safe to eat"
· "They will be used, for example, to prevent our bread and cheese from going mouldy and our pickles from spoiling," McDonald's explains
· You can find a full ingredient declaration for all McDonald's foods (including burgers) sold in the UK here
· The hostel says that people visit _____ around the world to see the burger.
· And it claims that the livestream website receives up to 400,000 hits every single day. · The meal hasn't always been kept in a glass cabinet, however.
· At first, Smarason stored the burger and fries in a plastic bag in his garage.
· After three years, he donated the meal to the National Museum of Iceland - and noticing barely any change in its appearance.
· The Museum decided that they weren't equipped to preserve the food, and then returned it to its original owner.
· "I think he was wrong because this hamburger preserves itself," Smarason said.
· The meal was then kept at a different hostel in Reykjavik, before being moved to its current home.
· We've asked McDonald's for a statement and will update this article with any response.
Disponível em: www.thesun.uk
False cognates are very confusing words for the ones who have decided to learn any second language. Analyzing the sentence and its context: These chemicals are called preservatives it’s possible to say that the correct meaning/translation for the underlined word is:
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Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
A alternativa correta é a A - Conservantes.
Este tipo de questão é focado em falsos cognatos, que são palavras em duas línguas que parecem ter o mesmo significado, mas na verdade têm significados diferentes. Isso é especialmente comum entre o inglês e o português.
No texto fornecido, a palavra "preservatives" refere-se a substâncias adicionadas aos alimentos para aumentar sua durabilidade. Em inglês, "preservatives" são conhecidos no português como "conservantes", o que torna a alternativa A a correta.
Vamos analisar as outras alternativas:
- B - Preservativos: Este é um falso cognato. Em português, "preservativos" refere-se a métodos de contracepção, como camisinhas, e não tem relação com conservação de alimentos.
- C - Área de preservação: Esta é uma expressão que se refere a áreas protegidas ambientalmente e não se alinha com o contexto de aditivos alimentares.
- D - Preparativos: Refere-se a ações preparatórias antes de um evento, sem ligação com aditivos para alimentos.
- E - Perseverantes: Esta palavra descreve pessoas ou comportamentos persistentes e é completamente fora de contexto na situação apresentada.
Para resolver este tipo de questão, é essencial ter conhecimento sobre falsos cognatos e o contexto em que as palavras são usadas no texto. Isso ajuda a evitar confusões comuns e a escolher a tradução correta.
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