According to the lesson plan above (TEXT 4), it is correct t...

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Com base no mesmo assunto
Q810023 Inglês

Read TEXT 4 and answer question.


Pre-task (15-20 min)

Aim: to introduce the topic of a school trip and to give the class exposure to language related to it. To highlight words and phrases


- Show pictures of students in a school trip, such as museum, park, airport, botanic garden and ask them where they go to have a good class out.

- Brainstorm words/phrases onto the board related to the topic: people, verbs, feelings, etc.

- Introduce the listening of a teacher and students planning a class out.

- Write up different alternatives on the board to give them a reason for listening eg. (a) museum/public library; (b) meet at the train station/in the square.

- Play it a few times; first time to select from alternatives, second time to note down some language.

- Tell them they are going to plan a class out and give them a few minutes to think it over. Task (10 min):students do the task in pairs and plan the day out. Match them with another pair to discuss their ideas and any similarities/differences.

Planning (10 min)

- Each pair rehearses presenting their class out. Teacher walks around, helps them if they need it and notes down any language points to be highlighted later.

- Report (15 min)

- Class listen to the plans; their task is to choose one of them. They can ask questions after the presentation. - Teacher gives feedback on the content and quickly reviews what was suggested. Students vote and choose one of the school days out.

- Language focus (20 min)

- Write on the board five good phrases used by students during the last task and five incorrect phrases/sentences from the task without the word that caused the problem. Students discuss the meaning and how to complete the sentences.

- Hand out the tape script from the listening and ask the students to underline the useful words and phrases.

- Highlight any language you wish to draw attention to, eg.: language for making suggestion, giving opinion, collocations, etc.  

According to the lesson plan above (TEXT 4), it is correct to say that the teacher is mainly applying the