According to the IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet – the...
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Ano: 2023
Prefeitura de São José da Coroa Grande - PE
UPENET/IAUPE - 2023 - Prefeitura de São José da Coroa Grande - PE - Professor do ensino Fundamental - Anos Finais - Inglês |
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Read the text 1 to answer question.
Text 1
Worldwide changes in food and eating habits
American fast food has certainly affected Korea. You can find American fast
food restaurants everywhere and many young people don’t appreciate
traditional Korean food anymore. Koreans are now using western ingredients
such as ketchup, mayonnaise and butter to cook regular meals. Salad dressing,
something we never used before, is also popular now.
The problem is that American companies sell their food along with American
culture. Manners in restaurants are not the same before. I can give you two
examples of this. Traditionally Koreans don’t use individual plates for eating
main dishes. We have always eaten from one bowl, but now some people think
that this habit is unsanitary.
Tipping is also new for us. Before, we had never rewarded good service with
money, but now we are supposed to give a tip to waiter in some restaurants. I
fear our traditional way of doing things will soon be forgotten.
By Jeong Kim, from Korea.
(PLATERO, Luciana & DONNINI, Lívia. All Set, vol. 2, student book. Boston, USA: Thompson Heinle, 2008. Adaptado.)

According to the IPA – International Phonetic Alphabet – the CORRECT phonetic transcriptions for the words
tipping, butter and plate are