Based on the text, judge the following items.The main idea o...
The main idea of the text can be said to be “same tasks, same pay”
Veja os comentários dos nossos alunos
Main Ideia--> Ideia Principal
Ao meu ver não seria
same tasks, same pay---> Mesma tarefa mesmo pagamento.
E sim do empoderamento da mulher no mercado de trabalho.
Segue um trecho para afirmar o meu pensamento:
" In the world as a whole, there
have been very few female heads of state and in some countries4
women hold hardly any political power"
Main Ideia--> Ideia Principal
Ao meu ver não seria
same tasks, same pay---> Mesma tarefa mesmo pagamento.
E sim do empoderamento da mulher no mercado de trabalho.
Segue um trecho para afirmar o meu pensamento:
" In the world as a whole, there
have been very few female heads of state and in some countries4
women hold hardly any political power"
False -> Row 6 - "... it still happens that men earn two or three times as much for doing the same job".
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