Based on the text, consider the following items:I - The word...
“Tomato crisis” spreads panic in Nigeria
Making jollof rice, a beloved traditional dish in Nigeria, has suddenly become very expensive. Tomatoes, one of its main ingredients and a staple of Nigerian cuisine, are going for $2 each ____ local markets, with wholesale baskets costing as much as N42,000, or $212, Kaduna state agriculture commissioner Manzo Daniel told AFP.
The culprit is a moth called Tuta absoluta, which has destroyed crops in the northern Kaduna state, forcing the local government to declare a state of emergency. “It is a serious problem. The disease has affected production and consumption, prices are continuing to rise and there is no availability,” Shehu Sani, Senator for Kaduna Central, told CNN.
The area, which contributes strongly to Nigeria’s overall production, has already seen losses of millions of dollars, according to Sani. “Many depend ____ tomato farming for their livelihood and tomatoes are an indispensable part of the diet. People cannot do without them,” he said.
The tomato crisis comes on the heels of a recent fuel shortage and a general rise in commodity prices due to inflation and a lack of foreign currency. In local towns, the problem has been labeled “Tomato Ebola”. “People are panicking, because attaching that name to a staple food has worsened the situation,” said Sani. Even those who can afford to buy find it difficult to trust any tomato product, and some have started buying imported tinned tomatoes. “Nobody knows now which tomatoes are safe to eat and some people are avoiding them altogether.”
Nigerians have taken to Twitter to lament the situation, pointing out ____ playful disbelief that while they have to pay dearly for tomatoes, at an annual festival in Spain they are wasted for fun. The next ‘La Tomatina’ festival isn’t due until August, but ____ then Nigerians hope they’ll have gone back to tomato-normality.
Adapted from CNN. Accessed on May 27, 2016.
Based on the text, consider the following items:
I - The word “them”, in “People cannot do without them…” (3rd paragraph), refers to “losses”.
II - The expression “its”, in “Tomatoes, one of its main ingredients…” (1st paragraph), refers to “dish”.
III - The expression “playful”, in “... pointing out in playful disbelief ... (last paragraph), means “humorless”.
The CORRECT item(s) is(are):
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A alternativa correta é Only item II.
Vamos entender o porquê:
Item I: A frase “People cannot do without them…” refere-se a "tomatoes", e não a "losses". O pronome “them” é utilizado aqui para substituir “tomatoes”, que são indispensáveis na dieta da população. Portanto, o item I está incorreto.
Item II: Na expressão “Tomatoes, one of its main ingredients…”, a palavra “its” refere-se a “dish”, que é “jollof rice”. Isso é correto, pois o pronome possessivo “its” está descrevendo um ingrediente do prato mencionado. Assim, o item II está correto.
Item III: A expressão “playful” em “... pointing out in playful disbelief ...” significa “de maneira lúdica” ou “de maneira divertida”, o que é oposto de “humorless”. Portanto, este item está incorreto.
Com base nessas explicações, apenas o item II é correto, o que confirma a alternativa Only item II como a resposta correta.
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