Match the Column 1 to Column B, linking the verbs occurrence...
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text.
Memory hacks to make you smarter
- No matter how smart you think you are, the chances are that you sometimes fail to make
- the most of your memory. A series of surveys have shown most students fail to use proven
- methods of learning _________, instead wasting their time on ineffective methods. One of the
- problems is that we often receive a lot of conflicting information from parents, teachers, and
- scientists, so that we are unsure what works and what doesn’t. Fortunately, a new paper,
- published in one of the top psychology journals, has examined the biggest misconceptions, with
- a list of the most popular study strategies, the potential pitfalls, and the ways that they can use
- them more effectively.
- Strategy 1: Rereading: Learning new vocabulary? The most common strategy is to read
- the words and their meanings until they stick. Unfortunately, psychologists believe that it is too
- passive, meaning that most of the information fails to leave an impression.
- Memory hack: Space your reading: Passive rereading is probably the least effective
- study method, but it may sometimes feel inevitable if you feel like you lack a basic understanding
- of the concepts. You can make better use of those sessions, however, by ensuring that you return
- to the material at regular intervals. You might read a chapter, move on to something else, and
- then re-read it after an hour, a day, or a week to help stimulate the memory. You can also benefit
- from questioning your understanding before you return to the material, which helps tune your
- attention on the bits you do and don’t know and increases your mental engagement.
- Strategy 2: Underlining and highlighting: Like rereading, this study technique is nearly
- ubiquitous. The idea makes sense: the process of underlining key words and phrases should help
- you to engage more with the information, and it makes it easier to identify the most important
- passages later on. Although it can be more effective than passive rereading, underlining and
- highlighting often fail to work, with most students __________ marking up almost every
- paragraph without much discernment.
- Memory hack: Pause to think: Instead, the scientists suggest that you read the text
- once through cold, and then mark up the relevant passages on the second pass. By forcing you
- to think more carefully about each point and its relative importance in the overall argument, this
- encourages the more active processing that is essential for the formation of stronger memories.
- Strategy 3: Note-taking. Visit any lecture theatre or library and you will find students
- ________ copying the most important facts into their notebooks. Like underlining and
- highlighting, the problems come when you fail to be judicious about the material you are
- including. Your overenthusiasm – and propensity to include everything that is mentioned – can
- easily become a vice.
- Memory hack: Be concise. Experiments have shown that the fewer words students use
- to express an idea in their notes, the more likely they are to remember it afterwards. This is
- probably because creating summaries and paraphrasing force you to think deeply about the nub
- of the idea you are trying to express – and that additional effort cements it in your memory.
- These findings may also explain why it is better to take notes with a pen and paper, rather than
- using a laptop: writing by hand is slower than typing and forces you to be more concise in what
- you note down.
(Source: - Adapted)
Match the Column 1 to Column B, linking the verbs occurrence to their correct verb tense.
Column 1
1. Simple Future.
2. Present Continuous.
3. Present Perfect.
Column 2
( ) series of surveys have shown most students (l.02).
( ) a new paper […] has examined the biggest (l.05-06).
( ) you will find students (l.29).
( ) the idea you are trying to […] (l.37).
The correct order of filling in the parenthesis, from the top to the bottom, is:
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
A alternativa correta é a C. Vamos entender o porquê.
Essa questão testa o conhecimento do aluno sobre verb tenses em inglês, mais especificamente o Simple Future, Present Continuous e o Present Perfect. Esses tempos verbais são essenciais para entender nuances temporais em textos e falas.
Vamos analisar cada item das colunas e como eles se relacionam com os tempos verbais:
1. Simple Future: Este tempo verbal é utilizado para descrever ações que ocorrerão no futuro.
- Exemplo no texto: "you will find students (l.29)". Essa frase indica uma ação futura, portanto, está no Simple Future.
2. Present Continuous: Este tempo verbal descreve ações que estão acontecendo no momento atual ou um futuro planejado.
- Exemplo no texto: "the idea you are trying to […] (l.37)". Esta frase está descrevendo uma ação em andamento, por isso está no Present Continuous.
3. Present Perfect: Este tempo verbal é usado para descrever ações que ocorreram em um tempo não específico no passado e têm relevância no presente.
- Exemplos no texto: "series of surveys have shown most students (l.02)" e "a new paper […] has examined the biggest (l.05-06)". Ambos os exemplos mostram ações que ocorreram no passado e são relevantes agora.
Agora, vamos analisar as alternativas:
A - 3 – 1 – 3 – 2. Esta opção está incorreta porque posiciona os tempos verbais no contexto errado.
B - 1 – 2 – 3 – 2. Esta opção não reflete corretamente os tempos verbais utilizados nas frases.
C - 3 – 3 – 1 – 2. Esta é a alternativa correta, pois associa corretamente os tempos verbais aos contextos das frases.
D - 3 – 2 – 1 – 3. Esta opção mistura os tempos verbais, resultando em associações incorretas.
E - 2 – 3 – 2 – 1. Igualmente, esta alternativa não reflete corretamente os tempos verbais nas frases propostas.
Compreender a utilização correta dos tempos verbais em inglês é fundamental para interpretar textos e para a comunicação eficaz. Espero que esta explicação tenha ajudado a esclarecer suas dúvidas.
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