The main purpose of Text II is to

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Text II

How To Start A Career In The Oil And Gas Industry: What Employers Say

By Katie Weir

From Talent Acquisition Specialist, Campus

Talisman Energy

How to start your career, step by step

Fix up your resumé – take it to your career

centre at your university and they’ll help you.

Write a compelling cover letter that speaks to

your best qualities – save the pretentious language

5 for your English papers.

Join a professional association and attend

their events – if you feel uncomfortable attending

alone, try volunteering at them. By having a job to do,

it gives you an excuse to interact with the attendees,

10and an easy way to start up a conversation the next

time you see them.

Do your research – I can’t stress this enough. I

want students to apply to Talisman, not because we

have open jobs, but because they actually have an

15interest in what we’re doing, and want to be a part of it.

Be confident, but stay humble – it’s important

to communicate your abilities effectively, but it’s also

important to be conscious of the phrase: “sense of

entitlement.” This generation entering the workforce

20has already been branded with the word “entitlement,”

so students will need to fight against this bias from the

very beginning of any relationship with people in the

industry – be aware that you will need to roll up your

sleeves and work hard for the first couple years, and

25you will be rewarded in the end.

Retrieved and adapted from URL: <>. Acess on: February 14, 2012.

The main purpose of Text II is to
