the sooner one fixes a broken window, the fatal consequences...

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Q167253 Inglês

Internet: (adapted).

1turnstile – a narrow gate at the entrance of something, with metal bars that move in a circle so that only one person at a time can go through.
2squeegee – an object used for cleaning windows, consisting of a short handle with a rubber blade.
3jaywalking – a dangerous or illegal way of crossing a street at a place where cars do not usually stop.
4hubris – a very proud way of talking or behaving that offends people.

It can be inferred from the text that

the sooner one fixes a broken window, the fatal consequences that could result from its being ignored are minimized or eliminated.


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...suggested that when laws against minor crimes, such as grafitti and turnstyle jumping are enforced, and borken windows are promptly repaired, major crime rates will decline.

the same scenario applies to business companies as they need to present themselves as providers of excellent customer service and care in order to not fall victim to the broken window hubris situation

Quanto mais cedo se conserta uma janela partida, as consequências fatais que poderiam resultar do facto de ser ignorada são minimizadas ou eliminadas.

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