Mark the best possible translation for “All in all, you lear...
Instruction: Answer questions 41 to 53 based on the following text.
Why Learning Is A New Procrastination
- The tremendous world of online courses, blogs, social media, free eBooks, podcasts, and
- webinars provides the best ever opportunity to broaden your knowledge in almost every sphere
- you can imagine. Thanks to technological advancement and the instant access to the internet,
- everyone can now study from home. It seems like it would be foolishly not to seize this
- opportunity and improve your skills and knowledge. Moreover, you are kind of forced to do so
- since the contemporary world has raised the bar higher than ever before. It literally invited you
- to gather the pace and ___________ even more.
- It is not surprising that, ultimately, you try to be everywhere and do everything. No doubt,
- you do your best to constantly gather tiny bits of information from as many channels as
- possible, because you are afraid that you will fall behind if you stop. After all, you enter a
- learning crunch mode. You do not afford to miss anything and try to read every book you could
- get your hands on. You listen to every single podcast your smartphone could download and take
- every online course your paycheck would allow to take.
- All in all, you learn. As much as possible. As intense as you manage to. You learn how to
- write and publish a new book. You learn how to launch a successful blog. You learn how to hit
- your goal on Kickstarter. You learn how to build the next “unicorn”. You learn how to land a job
- of your dream. You learn how to successfully sell thousands of items on Amazon. You learn how
- to make millions of dollars in passive income.
- However, the problem is that you do everything except taking action. All those activities do
- not take you closer to the things you want to accomplish. Better knowledge does not make you
- more influential, powerful, and successful unless you apply it. The key secret to success is not
- ________ expertise, but the ability to use it.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it is applied. Needless to say that studying is crucial.
- However, the thing is that it should take the entirely new form now. You should stop learning
- from someone else’s experiences, knowledge, failures, and wins and start learning from your
- own mistakes, adventures, ___________, and bold actions.
- Learning has become a major trend of the 21st century. Sadly, it has also become a new
- form of procrastination. You consciously postpone the first step justifying this by your eagerness
- to broaden the knowledge and learn new things. You put the start date off justifying this by
- your desire to pick up new skills that would help you succeed faster. You procrastinate over
- chasing your own aspirations because doing the things on your own and creating your own story
- of success is far more complicated than reading about someone else’s one. Meanwhile, no one
- would really reproach you for wasting your time. Also, you feel comfortable about staying within
- this zone of ease and convenience forever.
- However, the point is that you already have and know everything you need to start off. In
- fact, there is nothing more you need to learn in order to take the first step. Embrace the truth.
- No matter how good your theoretical knowledge is, you will face a lot of obstacles while
- applying it. You will have to deal with issues that have never been described or covered in any
- book. You will have to look for the solutions and make the spontaneous decisions that no one
- probably has ever thought of. You will have to design your own road to success.
- Transform your learning process from the continuous the procrastination into an
- unstoppable process of absorbing invaluable expertise based on your own experience. It might
- seem counterintuitive, but the old-fashioned way of learning is what holds you back. This is
- what makes your triumphs suck.
- Constant learning, evaluating of ideas, thinking, and visualizing your journey towards your
- major aspirations will not take you far from the place you are now. Actions will. You can sit and
- research, and research, and research, while someone else is already reaping huge rewards for
- his or her fruitful and hard work. Stop learning now. Become bold enough to take the first step
- and start learning from your own experience.
Mark the best possible translation for “All in all, you learn” (l.14).
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
Alternativa Correta: A - De uma maneira geral, você aprende.
A questão pede para que você encontre a melhor tradução para a frase "All in all, you learn" do texto fornecido. Essa frase, em inglês, comunica a ideia de uma conclusão geral ou resumo do que foi discutido anteriormente. O uso da expressão "all in all" indica que, ao considerar todos os aspectos mencionados, o ponto principal é que a pessoa acaba aprendendo.
Justificativa para a Alternativa Correta:
A tradução "De uma maneira geral, você aprende." é a opção mais adequada porque preserva o sentido original de síntese e conclusão da expressão "all in all". Esta expressão é comumente utilizada em inglês para resumir ou concluir uma série de eventos ou pensamentos, destacando o aprendizado como o ponto central.
Análise das Alternativas Incorretas:
B - Apesar de tudo, você aprende.
Esta tradução sugere uma ideia de superação ou de aprendizagem apesar das circunstâncias, o que não é o foco da expressão "all in all".
C - Com tudo isso, você irá aprender.
Embora próxima em significado, a tradução não expressa adequadamente a ideia de já ter aprendido, mas sim de um aprendizado futuro, o que não é o caso do original.
D - Tudo acontece para você aprender.
Esta opção altera completamente o sentido da frase original, apresentando uma interpretação de que os eventos ocorrem com o único propósito de ensinar, o que não está implícito na expressão usada.
E - Geralmente, você pode aprender.
A palavra "geralmente" muda o tom da frase, sugerindo uma frequência ou possibilidade de aprendizado que não está presente na expressão "all in all".
Essas análises mostram como a escolha de palavras em traduções é fundamental para preservar o significado e a intenção original do texto. É crucial entender o contexto e a função das expressões para garantir uma tradução precisa e eficaz.
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