Based on the text, judge the items that follow. In 2013, Fac...

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Q403775 Inglês
Based on the text, judge the items that follow.

In 2013, Facebook paid about 2,100 dollars for each of the 14,763 bug reports.


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1,5000,000/14,763 =~1,000

In 2013, Facebook paid about 2,100 dollars for each of the 14,763 bug reports

Apenas 687 receberam.

A resposta correta está entre as linhas 7 - 10.


Unfortunately for facebook's security team there were a lot of fale positives in there, and only 687 write-ups turned out to be worth paying for.....

Based on the text, judge the items that follow.

In 2013, Facebook paid about 2,100 dollars for each of the 14,763 bug reports.


Com base no texto, julgue os itens que se seguem.

Em 2013, o Facebook pagou cerca de 2.100 dólares por cada um dos 14.763 relatórios de bugs.

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