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Q1692840 Não definido
Doubts over a ‘possible sign of life’ on Venus show how science works

It was one of those “big, if true” stories.
In September, scientists reported that Venus’ atmosphere seems to be laced with phosphine, a possible sign of life.
Now there’s increasing emphasis on the “if.” As scientists take fresh looks at the data behind the Venus announcement, and add other datasets to the mix, the original claim of inexplicable amounts of phosphine is being called into doubt. And that’s a good thing, many scientists say.
“It’s exactly how science should work,” says planetary scientist Paul Byrne of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, who studies Venus but was not involved in any of the phosphine papers. “It’s too early to say one way or the other what this detection means for Venus.”
(Adapted from:
No texto, a palavra good, na frase “that’s a good thing” é: