Based on the previous text, judge the following item.In the ...

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Q1854086 Inglês
    Whatever training is given there should always be a permanent concern about the naturalness and spontaneity of everyday speech rather than an artificial sound production for the sake of preserving a “correct” pronunciation.
    This is, in fact, a crucial issue, since if too much care is demanded from the student, this may turn out to be an undesirable blockage to another more important factor, namely, fluency. Perhaps, and even worse, if over-careful pronunciation habits are developed, this will certainly cause difficulties for the oral comprehension, as the students will expect to hear sounds, words and utterances the way they personally produce them.

G.A. Chauvet. Improve Your Pronunciation. Brasília:
Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2005 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the first sentence of the text, the word “should” could be correctly replaced with shall.
