Regarding the text and its linguistics aspects, judge the it...

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Ano: 2023 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: CRT-BA Prova: Quadrix - 2023 - CRT-BA - Assistente de T.I. |
Q2276166 Inglês

 Internet: <> (with adaptations).

Regarding the text and its linguistics aspects, judge the item below.
The word “but” in “Bahia was still controlled by forces loyal to Portugal, but on July 2, 1823, Brazilian troops occupied Salvador, and Bahia became a province of the empire.” (lines 14 and 15) can be correctly replaced by the word however. 


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Conjunções adversativas: However, nevertheless, nonethless, but, on the other hand = entretanto, contudo, todavia, mas porém por outro lado.

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