English for Specific Purposes, or ESP, refers to learning E...

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Q2535868 Inglês

English for Specific Purposes, or ESP, refers to learning English because students have a specific need. To develop a specific need such as Reading Comprehension, readers will need to use some strategies.

Study the sentences bellow about the topic.

1. A rapid look over a text in order to extract some general ideas from it is called the Skimming Strategy.

2. When the students look for some information in an encyclopedia or an ad in a newspaper, or use a Portuguese monolingual dictionary, they are scanning.

3. An ESP approach a great part of students is aware that English and Portuguese have few words in common.

4. Looking for repeated words is the reading strategy that is not very used by Brazilian students because it may be difficult to locate and understand these words at the beginning of the process.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
