Com base na leitura dos textos A e B, analise as afirmativa...

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Q2691631 Inglês

Os textos a seguir correspondem a fragmentos de fontes distintas, pertencentes a gêneros textuais diversos. Utilize-os para responder às questões 37 e 38.

Texto A


verb [intransitive or transitive] /In´kri:s/ to become larger in amount or size, or to make something do this:

increase by something Sales have increased by 10%.

increase to something Our gross margin increased to 24%.

increase in price/size/value Over the past two years

the department has increased in size. (...)


noun [countable or uncountable] /´Inkri:s/ a situation in which the number, size, or amount of something gets bigger:

a pay/price/tax increase Customers stocked up,

anticipating a January price increase.

an increase in something Businesses are facing a 12% increase in energy costs.

an increase of something Revenue last year was $347 million, an increase of 26%.

Cambridge English

Texto B



In one year, two million more Brazilians are earning less than US$ 105 a month

Dec.6.2018 | 10:48 AM

Lucas Vettorazz | Érica Fraga

In 2017, six out of ten Brazilians ____ without adequate access to at least one of the crucial services: education, housing, social protection, sanitation, and internet access. When added to an increase ____ poverty, measured as the population income last year, the numbers show the double challenge ahead, if Brazil wants to reach higher development levels. These numbers were released ____ Wednesday (5th) by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). The rise in unemployment, caused by the recession, made the population living below the line of poverty increase an additional two million last year, making a total of 54.8 million Brazilians, or 26.5% of the total population. In 2016, the percentage was 25.7%. By the indicators established by the World Bank - also adopted by IBGE - a person is considered to be poor when they live with up to US$ 5.5 a day, or US$ 105 a month. The number of Brazilians on extreme poverty also grew, which is a portion of the population even more reasonable. This group increased ____ 1.7 million last year, making it 15.2 million in total, or 7.4% of the people, against 6.6% in 2016.

Folha de S. Paulo

Com base na leitura dos textos A e B, analise as afirmativas abaixo e dê valores Verdadeiro (V) ou Falso (F).

( ) O texto A pertence ao gênero verbete, pois exerce a função de apresentar as principais características sobre a pronúncia, a morfossintaxe e os sentidos de um item lexical.

( ) O texto B pertence ao gênero editorial, pois expressa o ponto de vista coletivo da instituição que o produziu.

( ) Segundo o texto A, a palavra “increase” pertence à classe gramatical dos verbos, de modo que não é possível atribuir seu uso a outra classe de palavras.

( ) Segundo o texto B, a maioria da população brasileira sofre com a restrição de acesso a serviços de educação, moradia, proteção social, saneamento básico e internet.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de cima para baixo.
