Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks in t...

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Q2808936 Inglês

Mark the alternative that correctly fills in the blanks in the following quotes with the comparative form of WIDE1, the superlative form of GOOD2, the superlative form of BAD3, the superlative form of LONG4, the superlative form of BEAUFIFUL5, and the comparative form of GOOD6.

“The brain is ______1 than the sky.” (Emily Dickinson)

“It was the ______ 2 of times, it was the ______3of times.” (Charles Dickens)

“Time is the ______ 4 distance between two places.” (Tennessee Williams)

“The ______5 thing in the world is, of course, the world itself.” (Wallace Stevens)

“Most men are a little ______6 than their circumstances give them a chance to be.” (William Faulkner)
