Consider the following statements. I. The plural of the word...
Instruction: Answer questions 31 to 35 based on the following text.
German student invents own language
- Fynn Schlemminger _____ exactly what he wanted to do for his A-levels special project:
- create a language from scratch. And that’s exactly what he did. The invented language is
- called Garadálava, and, according to its creator, it is unique. “The premise of creating
- Garadálava was to make it unlike any spoken language. I came up with a phonology people
- usually interpret as harsh or pointed, featuring some guttural sounds and a very unmelodious
- tone,” he explained.
- All languages are, to a point, constructed because they went through corrections and
- reforms over time. However, there is one main difference according to a professor of linguistics
- at Wellesley College. Angela Carpenter, who has been teaching a course on invented languages
- since 2010, said the main difference is that “an invented language originates in someone's
- mind and is developed and expanded upon mostly by that person. A natural language ______
- within a speech community, usually from another language, dialect or creole, over a period of
- time.”
- When Schlemminger began working on Garadálava, he started with a sketch, an idea of
- how the language should sound and feel like.
- “You begin with the more superficial things, the shape of the language so to speak, some
- basic words, a sound inventory, sentence order. After that you simply go into more detail and
- mostly rotate between making up words and grammar rules, until you are done,” he said to
- Euronews. To him, the experience of creating a language was not unlike making a sculpture,
- creating a work of art.
- “Inventing a language is a very creative process that also requires knowledge of linguistic
- structures to make it a viable language. Having to create your own language really ______
- you to understand linguistic structure and the complex nature of language communication,”
- explained Carpenter.
Fonte: adaptado de
Consider the following statements.
I. The plural of the words ‘sketch’ (l.14) and ‘inventory’ (l.17) follow the same spelling rule.
II. To turn a singular sentence into plural, one has to both nouns and adjectives.
III. The main rule of verb agreement in the third person singular is to add –s, as it is the case in ‘go’ (l.17).
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
A alternativa E é a correta, indicando que todas as afirmações I, II e III estão incorretas. Vamos entender o porquê de cada uma delas.
I. A pluralização de ‘sketch’ e ‘inventory’:
Para transformar "sketch" no plural, adicionamos -es, resultando em "sketches". Isso ocorre porque a palavra termina em -ch, que precisa da adição de -es para formar o plural.
Por outro lado, "inventory" segue a regra geral de adição de apenas -s no plural, tornando-se "inventories". Portanto, as palavras não seguem a mesma regra de pluralização, tornando essa afirmação incorreta.
II. Transformar uma frase singular em plural:
Nesta afirmação, a ideia de que precisamos alterar tanto substantivos quanto adjetivos para pluralizar uma frase é um equívoco. Em inglês, apenas os substantivos são alterados para formar o plural. Os adjetivos permanecem os mesmos, independente se estão em uma frase singular ou plural. Logo, a afirmação é incorreta.
III. Regra de concordância verbal na terceira pessoa do singular:
A afirmação mencionada sugere que a regra principal para a concordância verbal na terceira pessoa do singular é adicionar -s, como no caso do verbo "go". No entanto, o verbo "go" na terceira pessoa do singular não adiciona apenas -s; ele se transforma em "goes", utilizando -es. Portanto, isso torna a afirmação incorreta.
Compreender estas regras é essencial para o domínio do inglês, especialmente em contextos formais e de concursos. É fundamental notar as nuances de pluralização e concordância verbal para evitar erros comuns.
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