Many people learn English because they have moved into a tar...

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Ano: 2018 Banca: IF-MT Órgão: IF-MT Prova: IF-MT - 2018 - IF-MT - Português/Inglês |
Q2055049 Inglês
Many people learn English because they have moved into a target-language community and they need to be able to operate successfully within that community. A target-language community is a place where English is the national language - e.g. Britain, Canada, New Zealand, etc - or where it is one of the main languages of culture and commerce - e.g. India, Pakistan, Nigeria.
Some students need English for a Specific Purpose (ESP). Such students of ESP (sometimes also called English for Special Purposes) may need to learn legal language, or the language of tourism, banking or nursing, for example. An extremely popular strand of ESP is the teaching of business English, where students learn about how to operate in English in the business world. Many students need English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in order to study at an English-speaking university or college, or because they need to access English-language academic texts.
Many people learn English because they think it will be useful in some way for international communication and travel. Such students of general English often do not have a particular reason for going to English classes, but simply wish to learn to speak (and read and write) the language effectively for wherever and whenever this might be useful for them.
(Harmer, Jeremy. How to teach English. (2010, p. 11))
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