Based on the Approaches and Methods in English Language Tea...

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Q2553672 Inglês

Based on the Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is an approach with a theoretical underpinning that a language is for communication.

( ) The Audiolingual Approach is based on a structuralist view of language and draws on the psychology of behaviourism as the basis of its learning theory, employing stimulus and response.

( ) The Lexical Approach is an approach based on the notion that language comprises lexical units (chunks, collocations, and fixed phrases). Grammar is secondary and is acquired through learning these chunks.

( ) The Grammar Translation sees the process of learning a second language as a cognitive task, with learners as intelligent autonomous individuals, who can infer language use from well-structured input.

The statements are, respectively:
