Read the following text, analyse the assertions below and po...
Language Trends is an annual survey of primary and secondary schools in England, designed to gather information about the situation for language teaching and learning. Its aims are: (a) to assess the impact of policy measures in relation to languages; and (b) to analyse strengths and weaknesses based both on quantitative evidence and on views expressed by teachers. Since 2015 there has also been an annual survey in Wales, and since 2019 a biennial survey in Northern Ireland; reports can be found on the corresponding country’s British Council website. The Language Trends series shows general shifts in data and seeks to provide a springboard for teachers, school leaders, academics, inspectors, policy makers, school pupils and the public to consider aspects of language learning more deeply. The headline findings for 2023 include:
• Almost nine out of ten responding primary schools have some pupils for whom English is an Additional Language (EAL).
• The 2023 data reflect a positive increase in the number of primary schools in contact with secondary schools concerning language education.
• French remains the most popular language at Key Stage 3, followed closely by Spanish in both state and independent sectors.
• German is the third most popular curricular language, but entries are much higher in the independent sector.
• For the fourth year running, Spanish continues to have the highest number of A-level entries.
• Schools’ international engagement is improving since the Covid-19 pandemic.
• Further study is required to observe to what extent parents’/carers’ attitudes to languages can affect pupils’ desire to study a language.
(Available in: Adapted.)
I. Students’ wish to study a language is soundly swayed by their parents.
II. Yet to determine is the students’ front-runner language in public schools.
III. The brunt of measures that set up the decision making basis for language education will be rated.
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
A alternativa correta é a alternativa C.
Esta questão trata da análise de um texto sobre a pesquisa Language Trends, que investiga o ensino de línguas em escolas na Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda do Norte. A pesquisa busca avaliar o impacto de medidas políticas, identificar pontos fortes e fracos no ensino de línguas e fomentar discussões entre educadores e formuladores de políticas.
Vamos analisar as afirmações para entender a justificativa das alternativas:
I. Students’ wish to study a language is soundly swayed by their parents.
Essa afirmação não é suportada pelo texto. O texto menciona que é necessário um estudo adicional para observar a extensão em que as atitudes dos pais ou responsáveis podem afetar o desejo dos alunos de estudar uma língua. Portanto, esta afirmação está incorreta porque o texto não confirma que o desejo dos alunos é fortemente influenciado pelos pais.
II. Yet to determine is the students’ front-runner language in public schools.
Essa afirmação está incorreta porque o texto claramente afirma que o francês permanece a língua mais popular no Key Stage 3, seguida pelo espanhol, tanto no setor público quanto no independente. Portanto, a língua preferida dos alunos nas escolas públicas já está determinada.
III. The brunt of measures that set up the decision-making basis for language education will be rated.
Esta afirmação está correta. O texto indica que a pesquisa tem como um de seus objetivos avaliar o impacto das medidas políticas relacionadas ao ensino de línguas, o que está alinhado com a ideia de que as medidas que fundamentam a decisão no ensino de línguas serão avaliadas.
Com base na análise acima, apenas a afirmação III está correta, o que justifica a escolha da alternativa C.
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