Read the dialogue. A: So, I’ve decided that I’ll move to th...

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Q2606988 Inglês

Read the dialogue.

A: So, I’ve decided that I’ll move to the big city to look for a dream job.

B: You know, that sounds like a good idea.

C: Well, actually you ought to make decisions about your future.

B: Right.

A: Anyway, I was wondering if either of you would help me find a furnished apartment to rent.

B: Look, I’m like...very busy during the week, I mean, I'm trying to catch up with my deadline.

C: I’m in the same boat.

A: What about the weekend? Say, Saturday afternoon? You both could take turns, and later we might grab some beers.

B: Fine with me!

C: Count me in!

The words reproducing pause, hesitation, redundancy, etc, present in the dialogue in abbreviated or full form are:
