Considering classroom management and teacher-student interac...

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Ano: 2019 Banca: IF-SC Órgão: IF-SC Prova: IF-SC - 2019 - IF-SC - Docente - Inglês |
Q2957766 Inglês

Considering classroom management and teacher-student interaction, write true (T) or false (F) to the following statements:

( ) Teacher talk is important to provide students with live target language input. ( ) Code switching is a teaching strategy used when teacher and students do not share the same L1.

( ) Classroom management has to do with decisions related to unexpected (but pertinent) questions, misbehaving students, technical problems with equipment or materials, among others.

( ) The one condition for interaction to happen in the language classroom is having negotiation of meaning between two or more speakers with the same proficiency level.

Choose the option with the correct sequence (top to bottom):
