Having as reference the examination of the sentences, state ...

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Q2494613 Inglês
Having as reference the examination of the sentences, state the item which highlights the inconsistencies. 

a. I look forward to seeing the new cabin. b. Could you give me an information? c. The police are investigating the crimes as serial killer action. d. The amount of unemployed is growing up. e. She does have a very good command of spoken German. f. On no account should you be sarcastic to the elders. g. At the end of the vacation, everyone were wishing to get back home. h. All along the centuries, there have been wars. i. There were over 100,000 people at the concert. j. His village is just across the border, by a very lovely stream. k. It seldom rained in the summer, did it? l. Open the window, would you?