Regarding text III, judge whether the following statements a...

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Q3105233 Inglês
Text III

     Aside from the difficulties of operating a decidedly multinational staff organization, once it is formed, the problem of reconciling the principle of equitable geographical distribution of recruits with that of “securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity” is a formidable one. This delicate task was politically imposed upon the League of Nations secretary-general, and is constitutionally required of his counterpart in the United Nations.

    For better or for worse, recruitment policy cannot be based exclusively upon the criterion of the individual’s personal qualifications; in the field of international employment, the relevant irrelevancy is not “whom do you know” but “where are you from?” From a strictly administrative point of view, there is some positive value in securing broad nationality distribution, even at the expense of sheer quality; for some purposes, a slightly incompetent man’s nationality may make him more useful than a more expert civil servant of inappropriate nationality.

    For the most part, however, the Charter principle of geographical distribution is a concession to political necessity. It licenses a kind of international spoils system in which states seek to nourish their national self-esteem by securing an adequate quota of international jobs for their citizens. Ironically, perhaps, because it is politically necessary it is also politically and administratively desirable; what shall it profit an international organization to maintain its administrative purity and lose its own members or their political support?

Inis L. and Claude Jr. Swords into Plowshares: The Problems and Progress of International Organization. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1984, pp. 196-197 (adapted). 

Regarding text III, judge whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).  

According to the text, reconciling the principle of equitable geographical distribution of recruits with that of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity was a legal obligation incumbent both on the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


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This delicate task was politically imposed upon the League of Nations secretary-general, and is constitutionally required of his counterpart in the United Nations.

This delicate task was politically imposed upon the League of Nations secretary-general, and is constitutionally required of his counterpart in the United Nations.

Embora o texto afirme que a tarefa foi "politicamente imposta" ao secretário-geral da Liga das Nações e "constitucionalmente exigida" do secretário-geral das Nações Unidas, isso não significa que foi legalmente obrigatória em ambos os casos. A diferença entre algo ser "politicamente imposto" e "constitucionalmente exigido" implica que a obrigatoriedade legal não se aplica igualmente às duas organizações. Assim, a afirmação interpretou erroneamente o texto.

Resposta: Errado.

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