Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general En...
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Ano: 2024
CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR)
Quadrix - 2024 - CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR) - Analista de Sistemas
Quadrix - 2024 - CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR) - Assistente de Comunicação |
Quadrix - 2024 - CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR) - Fiscal Fisioterapeuta |
Quadrix - 2024 - CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR) - Fiscal Terapeuta Ocupacional |
Quadrix - 2024 - CREFITO - 8ª Região (PR) - Procurador Jurídico |
Texto associado

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Considering the ideas presented in the texts and general English knowledge, judge the item below.
The use of English language has increased in large scale and caused many other languages to be extinguished. Due to its linguistic imperialism, English does not accept any changes in the language.
The use of English language has increased in large scale and caused many other languages to be extinguished. Due to its linguistic imperialism, English does not accept any changes in the language.