Home Concursos Públicos Questões Q3167521 Available at: https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2008/10/1... Ver outras questões Usar o filtro de questões Q3167521 Não definido Ano: 2025 Banca: Avança SP Órgão: Prefeitura de Vinhedo - SP Prova: Avança SP - 2025 - Prefeitura de Vinhedo - SP - Professor de Educação Básica II - Inglês | Q3167521 Não definido Available at: https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2008/10/17 Regarding the comic strip's content, the following statements are correct, except for one. Identify it. Alternativas A The taller character demands payment to lift the boat. B The shorter character suggests that the taller character was the one who caused the boat to sink in the first place. C The taller character changes his profession according to the demand for services, even if he himself caused the need for those services. D The shorter character asks the taller character to call a police officer to arrest him. E The shorter character feels wronged by the services provided by the taller character. Responder Você errou!   Resposta: teste Parabéns! Você acertou! teste Tirar Dúvida Gabarito Comentado Aulas Comentários Estatísticas Cadernos Criar anotações Notificar Erro Salvar novo filtro Nome do novo filtro