Each of the following options presents a reformulation of th...
Text 22A4-II
Over the past few years, Peruvian authorities have tried to find ways to manage increasing visitor numbers to the popular site which often had long lines and overcrowding, leaving many tourists unable to enter. Machu Picchu was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 1983 and is described by the awarding body as probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height. It added its giant walls, terraces, and ramps “seem as if they have been cut naturally” into the continuous rock escarpments. The citadel, 130 km from Cusco, was built in the 15th as a religious sanctuary for the Incas at an altitude of 2,490 meters.
However, UNESCO also highlighted the challenges faced by the site, which it says requires more stringent management. “Tourism itself represents a double-edged sword by providing economic benefits but also by resulting in major cultural and ecological impacts,” said UNESCO. “The strongly increasing number of visitors to the historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu must be matched by an adequate management regulating access, diversifying the offer, and efforts to fully understand and minimize impacts. A larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues could be reinvested in planning and management.”.
Internet: <https://www.thenationalnews.com> (adapted).
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Alternativa correta: A - Peruvian authorities could reinvest a larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues in planning and management.
Vamos analisar a questão com mais detalhe:
A questão aborda a transformação de estruturas da voz passiva para a voz ativa. Entender a diferença entre essas duas formas é essencial:
Voz Ativa: O sujeito realiza a ação.
Exemplo: "The chef cooks the meal."
Voz Passiva: O sujeito recebe a ação.
Exemplo: "The meal is cooked by the chef."
No último parágrafo do texto, a frase original na voz passiva é:
"A larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues could be reinvested in planning and management."
Para identificar a alternativa correta, precisamos encontrar uma reformulação que mantenha o mesmo significado e correção, mas na voz ativa.
Alternativa A: "Peruvian authorities could reinvest a larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues in planning and management."
Esta alternativa é correta pois transforma a frase original na voz ativa, mantendo o mesmo significado. Aqui, "Peruvian authorities" (sujeito) fazem a ação de "reinvest" (verbo).
Alternativa B: "A larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues could reinvest in planning and management."
Esta alternativa está incorreta porque não faz sentido gramatical. A frase não tem um sujeito claro realizando a ação de "reinvest".
Alternativa C: "They could plan and manage all tourism revenues coming from a larger appropriate and increasing share."
Esta alternativa está incorreta porque altera o significado original da frase. Aqui, a ação de "plan and manage" é diferente de "reinvest".
Alternativa D: "Peruvian authorities could be reinvested a larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues in planning and management."
Esta alternativa está incorreta por causa da estrutura gramatical errada. "could be reinvested" sugere que as autoridades peruanas estão recebendo a ação, o que não faz sentido no contexto.
Alternativa E: "A larger appropriate and increasing share of the significant tourism revenues must be reinvested in planning and management."
Embora esta alternativa esteja gramaticalmente correta na voz passiva, ela não é uma reformulação para a voz ativa, que é o objetivo da questão.
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