What kind of text type is Text I?
Building Blocks: The First Steps of Creating a Multicultural Classroom
Discovering diversity takes creativity, extra effort, diligence, and courage on the teacher's part. A
multicultural classroom must thrive on these differences and use them as a foundation for growth and
development. Differences command work, resolution, openness, and understanding. Teachers who
address these differences and add them to the curriculum will succeed in creating a multicultural
5 classroom that will advance the educational goals of all students.
(...) Teachers in multicultural classrooms must be open to their students and put forth the effort
needed to get to know their students inside and outside of class. If a teacher is hesitant about being
open, the class will reciprocate and the students will become estranged from one another and the
teacher. In order to be open, teachers must be interested in their students, fearless, willing to try new
10 and different things, sure of themselves in order to avoid taking things personally, and non-
judgmental of his or her students (Canning 196). Also, openness is not making assumptions and being
prepared for the unexpected (Canning 199). (...)Many cultures have many different mores and
folkways. Teachers must be open to what the students are doing and find out why they do what they
do. This openness will create communication in the class, which will ultimately develop into a
15 classroom that is learning, understanding, and culturally fluent.
In addition to openness, teachers must know the learning patterns of the students in their class.
Teachers must understand the learning patterns of the students who grew up in a culture other than
their own. Teachers who open themselves up to cultural difference will effectively handle culture
clash while teachers who assume that student A is rude and student B is dumb will close
20 communication in the classroom and destroy any hope of having a multicultural classroom. The best
way to handle culture clash is to be open, knowledgeable, and not be afraid to talk about the cultural
differences in class no matter what discipline the teacher is teaching (Jones 12). An open teacher will
create an open class and an open class will have open lines of communication that will create a positive
and beneficial learning environment for everyone.
25 (...) Gloria Boutte and Christine McCormick suggest six basic principles for teachers to use when
evaluating their culturally diverse classroom, these are, "1) building multicultural programs, 2)
showing appreciation of differences, 3) avoiding stereotypes, 4) acknowledging differences in
children, 5) discovering the diversity within the classroom, 6) avoiding pseudomulticulturalism"
(140). Showing appreciation of differences is very important because a teacher who does not show
30 appreciation of all the differences in their class will not get the chance to attempt any of the other five
principles. Teachers need to pay attention to their verbal and nonverbal language when he or she
responds to students who speak differently. For example, if a child reads, "Dere go the sto-man", the
teacher should avoid interrupting the student to provide the correct English version. Instead, the
teacher should thank the student for reading and then model the correct English version when she or
35 he speaks. However, the most important thing to remember about all classrooms is the premise that
every child is unique. All children are different and beautiful in their own way, no one student should
feel excluded from the class.
(...) Creating multicultural classrooms is a growing priority for all teachers and administrators. This
includes restructuring classroom evaluation and punishment techniques, but, more importantly, it
40 includes embracing difference and opening up the classroom for communication.
Larri Fish of Siena College
What kind of text type is Text I?
Gabarito comentado
Confira o gabarito comentado por um dos nossos professores
A alternativa correta é C - Argumentative.
Para entender por que a alternativa C é a correta, vamos analisar o tipo de texto apresentado. O texto fornecido aborda o tema da criação de salas de aula multiculturais e discute os desafios e práticas envolvidas nesse processo. Isso é feito apresentando argumentos sobre a importância de reconhecer e integrar as diferenças culturais na educação, além de sugerir caminhos para que os professores alcancem esse objetivo.
Argumentação é o tipo de texto que se foca em defender um ponto de vista, apresentar raciocínios lógicos, e persuadir o leitor sobre uma determinada perspectiva. No texto, vemos o autor discutir a importância de um ambiente multicultural e apresentar sugestões e princípios (como os de Gloria Boutte e Christine McCormick) para alcançar essa meta, o que caracteriza um texto argumentativo.
Agora, vejamos as alternativas incorretas:
A - Narrative: Um texto narrativo é aquele que conta uma história, com personagens, eventos e um enredo. O texto em questão não se encaixa nessa categoria, pois não está contando uma história ou relatando eventos específicos, mas sim discutindo e argumentando conceitos educacionais.
B - Report: Um relatório é um documento que geralmente apresenta informações factuais de maneira objetiva. O texto analisado não tem esse formato, já que não é um resumo factual ou descritivo de dados, mas sim uma discussão sobre práticas educacionais.
D - Descriptive: Textos descritivos focam em descrever algo em detalhes, seja um lugar, uma pessoa ou um objeto. Embora o texto forneça detalhes sobre a prática em salas de aula multiculturais, seu foco principal não é apenas descrever, mas argumentar em favor de determinadas práticas e atitudes.
Portanto, a escolha da alternativa C - Argumentative é justificável pela maneira como o texto apresenta, discute e defende ideias específicas sobre educação multicultural.
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