A transformer has a primary winding circuit with 200 turns ...

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Ano: 2013 Banca: VUNESP Órgão: DCTA Prova: VUNESP - 2013 - CTA - Tecnico em Elétrica |
Q2883741 Inglês

A transformer has a primary winding circuit with 200 turns and a secondary winding circuit with 10 turns. In an ideal, lossless, transformer model, the magnetic core permeability is infinite despite the voltages applied to the windings, the two windings are perfectly coupled and there are no internal resistance in the condutors. In such transformer, when a sinusoidal voltage is applied at the secondary winding with an amplitude of 5,0 [V] RMS, the RMS voltage in the primary winding terminals is equal to 100,0 [V].

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