Consider the following statements:I. The verbs that begin th...
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.
New year, new you, you tell yourself. Again.
Source: adapted from
I. The verbs that begin the list between lines 10-16 are on the infinitive. II. In line 17, “you’ll” could be changed to “you’re going to” without any meaning changes. III. The modal verbs “might” (l.08) and “may” (l.17) are always interchangeable.
Which ones are INCORRECT?
Veja os comentários dos nossos alunos
I. The verbs that begin the list between lines 10-16 are on the infinitive.
Errado, estão no modo imperativo.
II. In line 17, “you’ll” could be changed to “you’re going to” without any meaning changes
Errado. You'll está expressando uma previsão de acordo com experiências pessoais, sem evidências. You're going deve ser utilizado para evidências comprovadas no momento.
III. The modal verbs “might” (l.08) and “may” (l.17) are always interchangeable.
Errado. Might tem é mais apropriado para o passado, enquanto may é recomendado para o tempo presente.
Gabarito: E
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