Read the text to answer.Can a focus on playful learning be i...
Read the text to answer.
Can a focus on playful learning be integrated in the
enabling environment?
“Enabling environment” refers to the broad set of interrelated national political, social and financial conditions that can either promote or hinder the successful functioning of the preprimary sub-sector. A supportive enabling environment is conducive to recognizing the importance of learning through play, and it can further strengthen this emphasis by fostering coordination with other sectors such as health, nutrition and social protection, which together can create a unified voice for play in children’s lives. The elements of the enabling environment, and how they can foster play-based learning, are:
1. Policies and legislation: Policies specific to the preprimary sub-sector are important because they can clearly affirm children’s right to play and can state that playbased learning is a distinctive and essential feature of effective early learning. Policies and directives can reflect a childcentred approach to learning and teaching; such policies create an expectation that playful learning will be taken seriously and implemented across levels of the sub-sector.
2. Public Demand: Support for pre-primary services among
parents and caregivers is key and it should be informed by strong
awareness of what quality means in pre-primary education.
Awareness-raising should focus on young children’s unique
learning needs, e.g., the need to make meaning through playful
investigations supported by knowledgeable teachers. A key
aspect of fostering public support and demand for learning
through play is to ensure that parents recognize their role in
providing meaningful play experiences in the home environment,
and to empower them to do so. Garnering public support and
demand for learning through play will enhance the pre-primary
system’s commitment to and recognition of the benefits of play.
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O texto fala sobre como um ambiente favorável (ou "enabling environment") pode promover o aprendizado através do brincar na educação pré-primária. Vamos analisar as opções:
A) Incorreta - Learning through play meets political exigences. (A aprendizagem através do brincar atende às exigências políticas.) - O texto não menciona explicitamente que o aprendizado através do brincar atende a exigências políticas.
B) Incorreta - Police should guarantee children's rights to play. (A polícia deveria garantir os direitos das crianças de brincar.) - O texto não menciona a participação da polícia.
C) Correto. Young children enjoy singular learning demands. (Crianças pequenas têm demandas de aprendizagem singulares.) - O texto fala sobre as necessidades únicas de aprendizagem das crianças pequenas, como a necessidade de atribuir significado por meio de investigações lúdicas apoiadas por professores bem informados.
D) Incorreta - Lenient environment helps parents' participation. (Um ambiente tolerante ajuda na participação dos pais.) - O texto fala sobre um ambiente "enabling", mas não menciona especificamente que ele precisa ser "lenient" (tolerante).
Gabarito: C.
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