My Bully Dressed Up as Me for Halloween Halloween my freshma...

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My Bully Dressed Up as Me for Halloween

Halloween my freshman year in high school was the scariest day of my life. But it wasn't scary because of a ghost or a monster – it was scary because in one moment, my life turned upside down.

Just a year before, I moved from New York to California. While in New York, I had been relentlessly bullied. And when I moved to California and started a new life, it seemed like a giant Band-Aid had "fixed" the problem. I had new friends, I started acting in plays and writing stories, and the bullying had stopped.


I got a text message from a classmate I had known in New York. The text included a photo of a girl I didn't know wearing a big sign around her neck. The sign had my name on it: Aija Mayrock. I was so confused. Who was this person? I went on Facebook and saw dozens of people posting the same picture. A girl whom I'd never met dressed up as "me" for Halloween.


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Acesso em: 15 fev. 2017.

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