The main objective of Text I is to
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gabarito: e) stress the necessity of the preservation of some primary rainforests for sustainable development.
''Thus some of the primary rainforests must be salvaged for sustainable development to be at all successful.''
rainforest: floresta tropical
havoc: dano, destruição
harassment: assédio, abuso, perseguição, etc.
thus: assim
pipeline: canal, tubulação
methane flaring: queima do metano
fuels: combustíveis
manure: adubo, estrume
in tandem: conjuntamente, simultaneamente
flooded: inundado
assessment: avaliação
lush: exuberante
The whole text drones on about sustainable use of rain forests without resorting to over-exploitation and careful deployment of alternate methods to achieve the same end, which might result in unintended consequences as evidenced by the given examples.
Esse tipo de questao tem que responder depois de fazer as outras questoes porque aí ja se tem uma base do texto. O "objetivo" é preservacao as florestas sem favorecer nenhuma ideia sugerida, seja biofuel (d) ou investments in research (c).
Nunca ia imaginar que stress = sublinham.
"Stress the necessity"
É brincadeira, cara....vou ter de engolir o dicionário de inglês...
Gabarito E.
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