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At its heart, gamification is about taking elements from games and applying them to non-game settings (Deterding, 2011). While many look at modern video games as a key inspiration for gamification, central elements such as points and levels come out of tabletop roleplaying games. While no one has yet succeeded in coming up with an undisputed definition for "game," most would agree that to be considered a game, it must include at least the following aspects:

1. Interactivity: If there is no way for the player to affect change on the system; if there is nothing for the player to actually do, then it ceases to be a game.

2. Rules: A mechanism to constrain the behavior of players in pre-specified ways.

3. Goal(s): One or more objectives that players pursue while interacting with the game.

4. Quantifiable measure of progress (or success): This can be as simple as a binary acknowledgement of completion, or as complex as a set of cricket scores.

5. Definite ending: While some applications commonly referred to as games do not have clear endings (The Sims, for example), most games have a clear endpoint. By this measure of game, it could easily be argued that a formal educational course meets these criteria.

Source: Gamification in the Classroom: Old Wine in New Badges, by Katrin Becker and Scott Nicholson. In: Learning, Education and Games Volume Two: Bringing Games into Educational Contexis. ETC Press, 2006. Available on: hitps:// Gam ification in the Classroom Old Wine in New Badges

Analise as seguintes afirmativas sobre o texto “Essential Game Elements”:

I. É possível inferir do texto que o autor acredita que a maioria das pessoas que estão tentando definir o que é um jogo concordam que jogos contém pelo menos um aspecto dos indicados no texto.

II. É possível dizer que para facilitar a leitura do texto, todos os aspectos de jogos listados no texto deveriam conter substantivos, tornando a lista uma estrutura paralela.

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