A expressão sublinhada no trecho "The idea that we immediate...

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Ano: 2023 Banca: FUVEST Órgão: USP Prova: FUVEST - 2023 - USP - Técnico Administrativo |
Q2532153 Inglês

We' ve been given no shortage of digital tools that should, in theory, help us work better, with more focus and efficiency, and connect us more easily with our colleagues. Instead, email, instant messaging, remote-meeting apps, work-flow and project-management software can feel like buckets with holes in the bottom, maddeningly inadequate to the task of keeping us from drowning in work. It' s clear that something in the great digital-workplace experiment has gone wrong. Or maybe it' s more accurate to say that it' s still too early to expect that we would have figured out how to make things go right. "We' re working now with new technologies that only emerged in the "90s," says Cal Newport, a Georgetown computer-science professor. "The idea that we immediately figured out the best way to use them is ahistorical. Of course we haven' t gotten it right yet."

  Disponível em http://www.nytimes.com (adaptado).
A expressão sublinhada no trecho "The idea that we immediately figured out the best way to use them is ahistorical" pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo do sentido, por