According to the second paragraph, the concept of robotic s...
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2° parágrafo:
The concept emerged during the conference "Worshop on grand challenges in artificial intelligence", held in Tokyo in 1992, and independently, in 1993...
O século 20 foi de 1901 a 2000. E o século 21 de 2001 até os dias atuais, previsto para terminar em 2100.
According to the second paragraph, the concept of robotic soccer players emerged
The concept emerged during the conference "Worshop on grand challenges in artificial intelligence", held in Tokyo in 1992, and independently, in 1993...
A- in 1997 (em 1997 - Errada)
*B- in the 1990s (Nos Anos 90 - Correta)
C- before the 1990s (Antes dos anos 90 - Errada)
D- in the beginning of the 20th century (no início do século XX - que vai de 1901 até 2000 - Errada)
E- in the beginning of the 21th century (no início do século XXI - que vai de 2001 até 2100 - Errada)
'in the 1990s '
ou seja na época dos anos 90
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