Leia o texto abaixo:Is there a difference between reading on...

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Q2359883 Inglês
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Is there a difference between reading on screen and reading on paper in terms of comprehension?

       Research published recently showed the different effects of comprehension of reading on paper versus reading on screen. Paper-based reading produced better outcomes. The authors said:
    ‘Although  there  are  clear  advantages  of  digital-based  assessment  and  learning,   including reduced costs and increased individualization, research indicates that there                                     may be disadvantages as well.’
    The researchers raised the question about whether ‘increasing exposure to technology, with its emphasis on speed and multitasking, may encourage a shallower kind of processing that leads to a decrease in deep comprehension in digital environments’.      They found that research studies that had used only narrative texts showed that comprehension was not affected, whether the reading was done on paper or on screen. In contrast, in the studies that involved information texts or a mixture of information texts and narratives, paper-based reading was advantageous.
(Disponível em: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/).

Com base no texto, pode-se concluir que:

I. Há uma vantagem para a leitura no papel, a despeito da tipologia textual.
II. Não houve diferenças de compreensão entre meios (digital ou impresso) em textos narrativos.
III. As diferenças observadas se deram quando foram comparadas leituras de textos narrativos ou um misto de textos narrativos e expositivos, ou seja, há uma vantagem declarada na leitura no papel.

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