One of negative consequences of globalization should be desc...

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Identity and globalization

Krasimira Mineva -Burgas Free University.

During the recent decades, intensity of relations between different cultures and different regions of the world has been increasing, due to the rapid development of telecommunications. The increasing economic and financial independence has its impact on the new opportunities for mobility and communications amongst different cultures. The development of the global market, the large volumes of production and exports enable the consumption of new, unfamiliar products. The economic aspects of the processes developing on a global scale are characterized by free movement of capital, search for new markets for goods and services, exported manufacturing facilities seeking cheaper labor markets, collision between local producers and powerful international corporations. The economic processes encourage the development of a new global culture, the basis for it being standards such as consumption, consumer attitudes and ultimate individualism. The effects of globalization have been described as: aculturalism, the mutual influence among cultures and their gradual convergence and unification; migration processes due to the collapse of local economies; increased number of illegal immigrants; marginalization and prejudice; spread of individualism and consumer attitude which undermine the values of traditional society; increased exchange of information and ideas , information on global scale doubles its volume every two years; individual consciousness is overloaded with information but behaviors which might alter culture become even more uniform.

(Available in: Adapted.)

One of negative consequences of globalization should be described as:
