Different teaching approaches confer distinct roles to langu...

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Q3206382 Inglês
Different teaching approaches confer distinct roles to language teachers. Make the correct association between numbers and letters, relating the type of teaching approach and its example. 

1. Knowledge Transmission 2. Constructivism 3. Socioculturalism

A) Practices linked to this approach involve students actively engaging through experimentation, problem-solving, and discussions. They are also encouraged to reflect on these experiences by discussing their actions and the insights they gained.
B) Teachers are viewed as responsible for conveying their knowledge to students. A knowledgeable teacher’s structured presentation of information can assist students in comprehending and retaining what has been taught.
C) More skilled peers (and teachers) support or "scaffold" learners, providing a socially focused justification for interactive and collaborative work in pairs and groups.

What is the correct association between numbers and letters?