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On line 23, “But it is vulnerable to vandalism” can be correctly replaced by Furthermore, it falls prey to vandalism, without change in meaning.
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O quesito indaga se, na linha 23, “But it is vulnerable to vandalism” ("Mas é vulnerável a vandalismo") pode ser corretamente substituído por "Furthermore, it falls prey to vandalism" ("Além do mais, torna-se vítima de vândalos), sem mudança de significado.
O conectivo "but" é usado para estabelecer contraste com a oração anterior, enquanto "furthermore" comporta ideia de adição. A mudança de significado da oração decorre do uso de conectivos com funções diferentes.
but it's vulnerable to vandalism. This assertion is setting a contrast to what had been previously stated: wikipedia's peer reviweing does a reasonable job of policing facts.
furthermore, it's vulnerable to vandalism. This change would suggest that information about harmful actions to wikipedia articles had already been mentioned, justifying the use of an adding clause to carry on with this line of thought. Not the case.
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