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According to what the text states, choose the correct option.



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Resposta: b

O item correto, b, afirma que as contribuições para a Wikipédia vem tanto na forma de inclusão espontânea e revisão de textos, bem como de doações de dinheiro.

O texto fundamenta essa assertiva, conforme explicitado a seguir:

a) "As 
contribuições para a Wikipédia vem tanto na forma de inclusão espontânea..."

Linhas 8 a 10: "Every day thousands of people edit entries or ad new ones in return for nothing more than the satisfaction of contributing to the stock of human knowledge."

b) "...e revisão de textos,..."

Linhas 21 a 23: "On the whole, Wikipedia's system of peer reviewing does a reasonable job of policing facts."

c) " well as of gifts of money."

Linhas 12 a 15: "Recent visitors to the website were confrontes with images of Jimmy Wales, a co-founder, and a request for donations. The campaign was annoying but effective, raising $16m in 50 days."


Wikipedia is a user-powered encyclopaedia that is also maintained by users' donations. According to information gleaned from the text, there is also a good deal of people dedicated to reviewing newly added/edited content, helping ensure quality and reliability whenever applicable. 

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