Choose the correct information according to the text.
TEXT V- Text for questions 38, 39and 40.
Strategic behavior in digital reading in English
as a second/foreign language: a literature review
(Juliana do Amaral, Marília Camponogara Torres, Lêda Maria Braga Tomitch).
- “[...] It is essential that teachers acknowledge the fact that reading hypertexts is a more cognitively
- demanding process which requires skills such as navigating through hyperlinks and constructing meaning
- from multiple sources. Besides, teachers need to develop students’ awareness when reading digital texts
- by showing them that the strategies employed in this space might be borrowed from traditional forms of
- reading, but, many times, should be selected from a pool of specific strategies that are unique to the digital
- environment. In this way, fostering the students’ metacognition in reading in a second/foreign language
- is essential to improve their competence as readers of both printed and digital texts.” (p. 143)
Choose the correct information according to the text.